During this webinar, our three speakers, Professor Anna Falanga, Dr. Florian Scottè, and Dr. Luis Jara Palomares, discussed:
• The coagulopathy and the management of thrombosis in both cancer and COVID-19 patients
• The latest discoveries in CAT management
• And the role of thrombosis burden in patients with cancer
Recording and slides are available for our community members.
If you have missed our webinar or want to re-watch it, here are the event recording and our speakers’ slides. Enjoy!
Webinar recording:
“The Management of Cancer-Associated Thrombosis: Are We at a Crossroad?”
Professor Falanga’s presentation:
“Cancer Thrombosis and COVID-19”
Dr. Scotté’s presentation:
“Cancer-Associated Thrombosis Management: is there any change?”
Dr. Jara Palomares’s presentation:
“Impact of Venous Thromboembolic Disease in Patients with Cancer”
Other webinars