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Clinical insights in CAT to include COVID‐19



In this webinar, our speakers Prof. Andréz Munoz, Prof. Florian Langer, and Dr. Vincent Labbé talked about clinical insights in cancer-associated thrombosis in the COVID-19 era.

They discussed:

• Insights from TESEO, cancer-associated thrombosis registry from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)
• The treatment of CAT in the real-world setting: CAT treatment algorithm

• COVID-19 and microvascular thrombosis/inflammation effects

Prof. Erica De Candia chaired this event.


If you have missed our webinar or want to re-watch it, here are the event recording and our speakers’ slides. Enjoy!

ICTHIC Webinar recording:

Prof. Munoz’s presentation

Insights from TESEO, cancer-associated thrombosis registry from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM).
You can also read the article here.

Prof. Langer’s presentation

The treatment of CAT in the real-world setting: CAT treatment algorithm.
You can also read the article here

Dr. Labbé’s presentation

COVID-19 and microvascular thrombosis/inflammation effects.
You can also read the article here

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